Cyberflanerie: Flying Above Earth, Seth Godin, Nassim Taleb, Sakura Review, Babel Cube, Your Clothes

Just back Austin's totally bodacious Texas Book Festival-- will post anon.

New literary translation journal, Sakura Review

Speaking of translation, Babelcube is up to something that looks like a paradigm-morph...

Hat tip to Swiss-miss: Angel's view (takes a moment to load, totally worth it), Northwest coast of North America to Central America

And now to come smashing down to earth: Seth Godin on the media (my take, too, though I wouldn't have put this way-- so sad, but amusingly spot-on).

Food historian Rachel Laudan on her mother's cooking

Nassim Taleb interviewed for Stanford's Entrepreneurship Corner (podcast)

How the clothes you wear are more powerful than you might think (I mean you in the gray T-shirt)

COMMENTS always welcome.


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