Cyberflanerie: STUFF & Stuff & More Stuff Edition

Seth Godin on the Nitty-Gritty Boring Stuff (of being an artist-- or whatever).

For those who don't have much stuff (or happen to have some spare $$$ for a writing studio): the Molecule Tiny House.

Mike Clelland on how to pack only micro amounts of stuff and hike off into the sunset (watch out for that link to his UFO abduction blog, though).

Lighten Up! Free Yourself from Clutter by Michelle Passoff. One of my faves.

They're called "garbage gyres": NYT on those Texas-sized floating islands of plastic.

For the metaphysically inclined: Rose Rosetree on 15 types of "STUFF" (astral whatnot that can get stuck in the aura, that is).

More metaphysical stuff: Karen Kingston on the energies in stuff (objects).

Five Death Bed Regrets (not one to do with stuff…) via the blog about dealing with stuff by Julie Hall, author of The Boomer Burden, a peace-inducing book about dealing with your parents' lifetime accumulation of stuff.

COMMENTS always welcome

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Madam Mayo:
>30 Deadly-Effective Ways to Free Up Bits, Drips & Gimungously Vast Swaths of Time for Writing
>Decluttering a Library: The 10 Question Flow Chart
>On Decluttering Your Writing or, Respecting the Integrity of Narrative Design
>Guest-blogger Regina Leeds on 5 + 1 resources to Make Writer Happy in an Organized Space

And on the homepage,
>Ten Tips for Organizing a Novel-in-Progress
>Updates on Recommended Books on Mexico
>Updates about my upcoming workshop on Literary Travel Writing at the Writer's Center & other events


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