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Punishment in Our Society According to Law |
The aim of punishment is not revenge but terror. an exemplary punishment should be given to the criminals so that the others may learn a lesson from him. penalty keeps the people under control. excessive harshness of punishment tends to defeat its own purpose by arousing the sympathy of the public towards those who are given cruel punishments. Deterrent punishment is likely to harden the criminal instead of creating in him the fear of law. the punishment loses it horror once the criminal is punished.
In preventive theory , the offenders are disabled from repeating the offences by such punishments. such as imprisonment, death, exile etc. this theory does not
act so much on the motive of the wrong-doer but disables his physical power to commit the offence.An example of preventive punishment is the cancellation of the driving license of a person.
punishment not the revenge but to reform the offender.
The reformative theory: the object of punishment should be the reform of the offender. even if he commits a crime, he does not cease to be a human being. He must be educated
and taught some art of industry during the period of his imprisonment so that he may be able to start his life again after his release from jail. the reformation theory is that if criminals are to be sent to prison to be transformed into good citizens, risons must be turned into comfortable dwelling place. the theory of reformative punishment alone is not suffering and there should be a compromise between the deterrent theory and the reformative theory and the deterrent theory must have the last word.
Compensatory Theory: The object of punishment must be not merely to prevent further crimes but also to compensate the victim of the crime. the contention is that the mainspring of criminality
is greed and if the offender is made to retun the illgotten benefits of the crime, the spring of criminality would dry up.
Utilitarian Theory: This theory does not highlight or support any particular theory, but is one of the biggest theories for basis of punitive measure. they believe that punishment is an instrument
for reducing crimes no matter from what approach they are adopted. there is no restriction to which theory be applied , the purpose is to achieve good consequences.
Punishment is also the lesson for reducing or forbidden crimes in future for those who commit or do that offence for their unethical survival and future or we can say
that for the negative purpose to feed their children or fulfill their funfairs means.
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